Thursday 10 December 2009

Menu Home Paragraf at Microsoft Office Word 2007

Menu Home Paragraph at Microsoft Office Word 2007

Menu Home Paragraph follow : Bullets, numbering, multi level list, decrease indent, increase indent, left to right text direction, right to left text direction, Sort

- Bullets : Start a bulleted list (Click the arrow to choose different bullet styles)
- Numbering : Start a numbered list click the arrow to choose different numbering format
- Multi level list : Start a multilevel list (Click the arrow to choose different multi level list styles)
- Decrease indent : Decrease the indent level of the paragraph
- Increase indent : Increase the indent level of the paragraph
- Left to right text direction : Set the direction of text to be displayed from left to right
- Right to left text direction : Set the direction of text to be displayed from right to left
- Sort : Alphabetize the selected text or sort numerical data

Others icon paragraph :

- Align text left (Ctrl + L) : Align text to the left
- Center (Ctrl + E) : Center text
- Align text right (Ctrl + R) : Align text to the right
- Line spacing
- Shading
- Bottom border

1 comment:

  1. Good tutorial.All the things are explained in a very good way.One more thing is very impressive that you used screen shots also.It is the effective way of explaining the topics.Thanks
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